Built on the foundation
of safety assurance

Our Digital Operations Center, IASMS product, and MBSE services are curated to accelerate the adoption of autonomy into our world.

Our products and services


In-Time Aviation Safety Management System (IASMS)

FRAIHMWORK is the industry leading IASMS enterprise SaaS platform which provides the required monitoring, mitigation, and maintenance capabilities for autonomous ecosystems.  

These capabilities make up a critical layer in the technology stack for complex system of systems where there is a safety or criticality factor, such as advanced mobility and defense systems. 
Our solutions ensure your autonomous ecosystems run safely, smoothly, and efficiently at all times.
FRAIHMWORK is a configurable rules engine that works on the data layer and does not require installation of hardware or software on the systems it is monitoring. This architecture allows the software to scale, extend, evolve, and adapt – traits that historic one-off design/development efforts lack.


Monitors the health, integrity, and performance of systems and data feeds supporting autonomous operations and use cases.
Assesses system data to identify adverse or off-nominal conditions 
and events.
Mitigates issues, automatically or with a human in the loop, to help manage contingencies 
as they arise.
Maintenance workflows, calendar, and tracking to enable efficient system operations and maintenance (O&M).


Monitor, assess, and mitigate system issues 
in real time to prevent incidents from happening 
in the first place.
Maximize Update and Availability
Understanding and bounding systems issues lets us work around problems as they are fixed to maximize operational uptime and availability.
System agnostic rules engine enables adding new systems and learning from collected data to evolve and extend IASMS capabilities without code changes.
Web-native solution is elastic and deployable globally.





Model-Based Systems Engineering (MBSE) Model Creation and Maintenance

We believe that complex system of systems need to be intentionally conceptualized, designed, and architected, not simply integrated from the bottom-up. It takes mastery of a diverse set of systems engineering proficiencies to blend formal methods and enabling technology into a safe, resilient solution. We provide an MBSE approach to the design of AAM ecosystems for customers who are interested in using our FRAIHMWORK software or incorporate our OptiX Operations Center.
Customers across the AAM industry are leveraging our deep background and expertise (INCOSE Certified) in complex and safety critical system of systems design and implementation, to design scalable AAM ecosystems which meet stakeholder requirements. The result is a repeatable, maintainable, and understandable system, with curated engineering documents available to stakeholders, including regulators. Our approach avoids vendor lock and creates a completely “open” system that is fully extensible and scalable.


Standards Based Agility
Doing things right the first time, on time, requires mastery. ResilienX leverages its mastery of safety critical systems engineering, leveraging experience with high design assurance software products (via RTCA DO-178C), formal training in System Safety Assessment (via MIL-STD-882E), and certification in Systems Engineering from INCOSE (Certified Systems Engineering Professional).

With these approaches to formal system conceptualization, design, and implementation, and decades of experience as practitioners, ResilienX delivers systems that work the first time to customers in defense and commercial industries. ResilienX applies object-oriented systems engineering methods (OOSEM), tailored to enable contract agility with full lifecycle maintainability throughout the process.
Open Architecture
Regardless of the problem domain, experience has taught us that systems typically break at the interfaces. The cost of latent changes gets overwhelming the further in the lifecycle you go.

While it’s often quicker and easier to design a system to integrate with technology that’s accessible today, change is inevitable. ResilienX products and designs are always geared towards adaptability and robustness. By abstracting appropriate portions of our system designs, we enable minimized costs due to system rework in terms of integration, redesign, and all of the “gotchas” that go along with a complex system of systems through the operations and maintenance phases. Our architectures reflect encapsulation to protect you from factors that inevitably change over time.
Requirements Driven
ResilienX is dedicated to requirements driven engineering. Some companies do this late in the game to satisfy their customers or stakeholders. We do it from day 1, because we know it works. How do you know if you’re done? In a burgeoning industry like advanced air mobility, ResilienX is a beacon of clarity. Requirements are how we say what we will do, and then we do it. Our FRAIHMWORK product is made from a well-managed constellation of hundreds of requirements. When we make a code change, we know precisely whether it breaks any single requirement. When we deploy our products to your application, you can count on a level of continuous integration that ranks amongst the best in the world. ResilienX takes its requirements driven approach to product development, and infuses it into system of systems design. The result is full traceability from top-to-bottom.
Full Traceability
ResilienX products and designs are traceable. Needs are traced to features, features trace to requirements, requirements trace to verification cases, verification cases trace to products (and their elements). This tracing enables rapid identification of the effects of any change in the system. This protects our customers from the classic paradigm of a change in one part of the system breaking another part of the system.
Our systems engineering services result in SysML models, which describe the solutions we design for our customers, so that they can live on, with minimal waste due to tribal knowledge, lack of traceability, missed steps, and forgotten items yet “to-be-determined". Modelling languages can be cryptic, and intimidating. We work hand-in-hand with our customers, because we know that without continuous engagement with our customers and stakeholders, the models are of no value.

The MBSE process answers the mail for regulators. The FAA Near Term Approval Process (NTAP), for example, requires a solid handle on how the various enabling systems and components work together safely, from their requirements, functions, and performance, as related to the system of system or services that are to be put into operation.

Advance Air Mobility (AAM)
Operations Center

AAM OptiX™ provides the core digital infrastructure needed for safe, secure, and scalable AAM operations. AAM OptiX™ has been funded by NASA and AFWERX to address the “integration and test tax” needed for a true aviation-grade system of systems solution.

AAM OptiX™ represents a collaborative ecosystem approach underpinned by the idea that no one can do it alone.
AAM OptiX™ is a web-based digital infrastructure that can be integrated in physical infrastructure, sensors, and data feeds to holistically address air risk and enable safe UAS and eVTOL integration into the National Airspace System (NAS).


Common Air Picture
Cooperative surveillance, non-cooperative surveillance, and telemetry data are fused and displayed with a single icon representing each object in the airspace.
Uncrewed Traffic Management
Uncrewed traffic is strategically deconflicted and monitored for conformance with its intended flight plan or operational area.
In-time Aviation Safety Management
Ecosystem component’s health, integrity, and performance is monitored
at all times and mitigations are applied to assist with managing contingencies,
as they arise.
Low Altitude Weather
Low altitude, micro-scale weather modeling and forecasting for craft-specific and route-specific weather risk identification.
Active Cyber Security Monitoring
Proactively monitoring the ecosystem for cyber risks and vulnerabilities and applying mitigations to address active attacks or to close detected vulnerabilities.
Standards Based Interoperability
Open, standards-based architecture and data interfaces are used to promote extensibility and interoperability.
MBSE Model, V&V Results, and Safety Case
Aviation grade design and verification & validation (V&V) of the AAM OptiX™ solution, complete with a documented safety case addressing how AAM OptiX™ minimizes air risk for uncrewed operations.
Human Factors Considerations
Stakeholder engagement, display heuristics analysis, workload analysis, and end user engagement enable a fit for purpose solution.
Data Brokering
Single integration point enabling data brokering and translation to simplify and accelerate the integration process into future deployment.
Dynamic Constraints 
Low altitude airspace contains many risks and they may be dynamic. We automate the process of turning these dynamic risks into constraints which can be utilized for route planning and traffic management.

AAM OptiX™ supports numerous applications

The AAM OptiXTM digital infrastructure can be integrated with various systems and data feeds to support a variety of use cases and applications across the UAS and AAM landscape.
  • Vertiport Networks and Vertiport Automation Systems
  • Drone-in-a-box Networks
  • Autonomy Testbeds
  • Regional BVLOS Systems
  • Counter UAS Systems
  • Disaster Response

Work with us

Let us build trust and safety into your autonomous ecosystem